CodeHub: our collaborations


Advanced Software Solutions: CodeHub clients needing sophisticated software development can collaborate with Hack24x7. This partnership can bring in Hack24x7's expertise in areas like custom app development and system integration, enhancing the tech solutions provided to CodeHub's clients.

Innovative Tech Talent: For clients seeking fresh and innovative tech solutions,'s network of young tech enthusiasts can be a goldmine. Collaborations with these clubs can bring in new ideas and approaches, especially for projects targeting younger demographics or involving educational tech.

Brand and Design Integration: CodeHub clients often require strong branding and design elements in their tech projects. can provide these clients with top-notch design services, ranging from logo creation and brand identity development to UI/UX design for apps and websites. This collaboration ensures that the technological solutions developed by CodeHub are not only functional but also aesthetically appealing and user-friendly.

Recruitment for Specialized Tech Roles: CodeHub’s clients, particularly those involved in complex or niche tech projects, can benefit immensely from EPN’s specialized recruitment services. EPN can help in identifying and hiring skilled professionals like data scientists, AI experts, blockchain developers, and cybersecurity specialists. This support is crucial for CodeHub clients who need to scale their teams quickly and efficiently with the right talent.


Startup and Entrepreneurial Support: For CodeHub clients who are startups or entrepreneurs, the connection with can be invaluable. offers a range of support services including mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to funding sources. These resources can help CodeHub’s clients in accelerating their business growth, refining their tech products, and gaining market traction.

Product Launches and Feedback: The Heritage Hubs Marketplace can serve as an excellent platform for CodeHub clients to launch and test their tech products. This marketplace provides access to a diverse audience, allowing clients to gather real-world feedback, gauge customer interest, and make iterative improvements to their products.

Heritage Hubs Marketplace


Strategic Partnerships and Market Expansion: CodeHub clients looking to expand their market reach or explore strategic partnerships can leverage the network of DealSources. This collaboration can open doors to new business opportunities, facilitate introductions to potential partners, and help in navigating complex business negotiations.

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Monday - Saturday: 11 AM - 9 PM
Sunday: 11 AM - 7 PM



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